donderdag 20 december 2007

show...don't tell

Believe it or not, I have this line out of a Rush song in my head all morning. LOL. So...I decided to mitts!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. The colors are beautiful together. I have yet to try this sort of thing... but these make me want to!

  2. Very nice! Those colours are very cheerful together!

  3. Those are beautiful! Learning to knit fair isle is like learning to speak Chinese to me. I admire your mits.

    Jacqueline /

  4. Well, Bianca

    Thosemitts are adorable. A work of art! We are almost ready for Christmas here in Chicago. Im hoping Santa brings new yarn to me! I think he will, because he wouldn't want me going on and on on the blog about a no yarn Christmas.
