vrijdag 26 januari 2007

Forced offline

Sometimes things do not go as they need to go. In the night of 12 to 13 January our internet provider switched us to a different system - but they had forgotten to inform us, plus did not send us the proper hardware...calling back and forth resulted in a waiting period of at least 4 entire weeks! I'll make a long story short...we went back to the "old" ADSL, but at the moment we still can't email. I hope that will be cleared in the coming week.

I did some knitting in my offline time though. Socks and wrist warmers to name a few. Some items are still on my digital camera, so these photos will come later.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Sorry about your provider troubles...they just did that with our DVR *grrr* ...hope things get all straightened out soon.

    Can't wait to see your knitting!


  2. Balen hé dat je dan zo afhankelijk van anderen bent.

  3. Stupid provider! I'd be looking for a new provider, if it were me.

    By the way, your last package is winging it's way to you. Let me know when it arrives!

    Your (soon to be not very) Secret Pal
