woensdag 30 juli 2008


It finally turned into Summer. And Summer in The Netherlands has extremities. Sweaty hot weather is followed by thunder and lightning, plus a lot of water. Still I hope that the thunder and lightning part can wait until tomorrow or so... the boys are working on their summer vacation job (delivering the local newspaper, and they have 700 copies to do)

Alexa went back to work also - she was the last one with the stomach flu that went round in our home. Ugh. And my husband has his 4th late shift in a row. For me there is plenty of time to knit today, if my hand is willing to work with me. I guess I need to create a couple of new wrist warmers for me... they reduce pain in my right hand. And I need to make photo's of the socks I have been working on....

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm glad you guys are getting over the sick and I hope the rain held off!

  2. At least there is plenty of time to knit though :)
    (comment train)

  3. "IF my hand is willing to work with me", now that is a great quote Bianca. Enjoy the knitting. I love storms, but not when my kids are out in it! Hooray to the end of the sick bug!
