donderdag 4 januari 2007


Rebecca tagged me, in order to mention six weird things about myself.

Good… here we go:

1. Besides knitting I love to write poetry. Jan Haag ( managed to write a poem in every form used in English (and there are more than 360 different forms), I am at 114 different forms at the moment. My husband thinks I am nuts…hahaha!
2. I am knitting with one needle under my arm. I knit socks and mittens on 40 cm DPN’s (that is 16”!) It seems I am a fast knitter, though I noticed that shorter needles slow me down. Preferably I sit in my own corner on the couch. I chase my kids away from “my corner”, when they sit there.
3. This old soul loves to listen to country music, especially Bobby Bare. He looked like my dad when they were young (both Bare and my dad were born in 1935) only Bobby Bare is a better singer! Since my early childhood, my dad was playing his records, and I can sing along a major part of his repertoire. His music is nowadays very hard to get in The Netherlands. Other old time favourites: Johnny Cash, Jim Reeves, Slim Whitman. In the more popular genres I like the music of Josh Groban, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Gary Moore and Rush.
4. I am a language freak. Besides Dutch and English I speak some German and French, I can understand Frisian and a few words in Swedish. Strange enough I deciphered a Finnish pattern recently and knitted the mittens. Another thing I find important is knowledge of history. Children nowadays don’t learn enough about their country’s history anymore.
5. I am a yarn addict. Fortunately for my wallet I don’t have the time and the chance in the coming months to get me some more. So I am knitting away my stash 
6. I can’t stand quarrels and fighting. They make me nervous. I also can’t stand injustice. And nowadays that is considered weird: I try to be a fair mother towards my children. Fair in every way, sometimes strict when needed in order to raise them into good people. Some of my children’s friends hate me for that…
The following six people are tagged:
Sue CraftyDramaQueen
Iso Gnu
Uhoava Gnu

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